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Video Collection: Perspectives on the Transgender-Student Experience

by Education Week Video

In 2014, Atherton High School in Louisville, Ky., adopted an official policy that allows transgender students to have access to school bathrooms and locker rooms based on their gender identity. In this multi-part story, watch the full PBS NewsHour report that follows the school's journey which began with the requests of one student. Additional videos include: A Q&A with Principal Thomas Aberli about the steps and challenges to implementing such policy, a Q&A with teacher Tony Prince who advises the school’s student-led Gender Sexuality Alliance or GSA, and a conversation with high school junior Maddie Dalton about her coming out process. | Correspondent: Yasmeen Qureshi; Producer: Jessica Windt; Assistant Managing Editor: Lesli A. Maxwell; Additional Reporting: Evie Blad

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